Eesti Hotellide ja Restoranide Liit on suurim külalislahkuse valdkonnas tegutsev erialane ettevõtjate liit.

Seisame selle eest, et ettevõtluskeskkond käiks ajaga kaasas ka meie äride poolt vaadatuna, et meie liikmed oleksid hästi informeeritud valkonda puudutavatest õigusnormidest ja inimesed, kes meie ärides töötavad, oleksid hoitud ja hinnatud ning saaksid oma oskusi ja teadmisi pidevalt edasi arendada.

Conna LTD

Linn: Vilnius, Leedu
Aadress: Rodūnės 34, Vilnius, Leedu
Telefon: +37061111533

Conna LTD omab hotellide tuntud PMS’i Planet (endine Protel) esindusõigust Baltikumis:

Protel (now Planet): A Leader in Hotel Management Systems

With over two decades of experience in the hospitality industry, Protel has established itself as a global leader in hotel management systems. Our software solutions are trusted by more than 14,000 hotels worldwide, ranging from boutique independents to large international chains.

Protel serves approximately 1,500 clients across 90+ countries, demonstrating our global reach and adaptability to diverse markets. Our client base includes individual hoteliers, regional groups, and major international brands, collectively managing millions of guest nights annually through our systems.

From 20-room boutique hotels to 1000+ room resorts, Protel’s scalable solutions cater to properties of all sizes. Our commitment to innovation and flexibility has made us the choice for over 20% of hotels in several European markets, solidifying our position as a key player in the hotel management software industry.