Kutsume Sind osalema projekti Light in the Dark webinaril “Low season travel – Harnessing the Magic of Darkness and Dark Skies” 4. veebruaril kell 14.00–15.30.
Webinar keskendub küsimusele, kuidas meie regiooni omapära enda kasuks tööle panna ning püüda turiste, kes otsivad erilisi sihtkohti, jahedamat kliimat ja võimalust vältida rahvamasse.
– 14:00 Welcome to the webinar – Light in the Dark and Glow 2.0 projects
James Simpson Project manager, Novia University of Applied Sciences
– 14:10 International low season travellers as a growing opportunity
Ged Brown, Founder & CEO, Low Season Traveller, UK. Ged is a pioneer in promoting off-season travel and organises The Seasonality Summit.
– 14:40 Darkness as an element for touristic experiences now and in the past
Susanna Lahtinen, PhD candidate, Curator at The Regional Museum of Southwest Finland.
– 15:00 Best practices of Dark sky tourism
Timo Rui, Project manager, Karelia University of Applied Sciences
Daisy Silvennoinen, Karelia University of Applied Sciences, Finland &
Martina Ui Dholain, Údarás na Gaeltachta, Ireland, Project Glow 2.0
– 15:30 webinar wrap-up
Webinari töökeel on inglise keel. Seminar toimub Interreg Baltic Sea Region projekti “Light in the Dark” ja Interreg Northern Periphery and Arctic projekti “GLOW 2.0” raames.
Lisainfo ja registreerimine: https://network.novia.fi/Events/307/Apply