MAD Academy: Circularity, Carbon emissions and collective change – sustainable education for Estonian hospitality professionals.

Date: November 9, 2023 
Time: 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM 
Location: Kai Art Center, Peetri 12, 10415 Tallinn 
Catering: Lunch and beverages provided by Lore Bistro 
Pricing: 85 €

Led by Copenhagen-based MAD Academy, this full-day workshop invites the Estonian hospitality community to a second day of learning, inspiration, and community. Serving the ambition of Estonia to become a destination for responsible gastronomy, the day will ask its audience to create and explore new ideas whilst serving them with proven approaches drawn from MAD Academy’s experience as industry educators. 


Morning sessions will focus primarily on how individual hospitality business can reduce their environmental impact. Using MAD’s framework, attendees will look at practices and changes that they can implement in their businesses to reduce the carbon footprint and lessen demand on natural resources. Recommended changes will be addressing often-overlooked areas of operations including ways to reduce consumption of energy and water and provide ideas on how to improve sourcing and handling of ingredients and other materials. Real-world examples and inspiring mindsets from businesses within and outside the hospitality sector will underly each topic. These stories will illustrate how embracing circular thinking can effectively diminish (food)waste and reduce the businesses impact on the planet, all while reducing operational costs. 

The afternoon session will explore how the Estonian hospitality industry can collectively achieve a positive impact. Utilizing an unique and engaging methodology, participants will have the opportunity to articulate their values, share ideas, and discuss barriers they face individually and collectively. The outcome of this workshop is to create initiatives and outline future opportunities that will continue to support the growth and development of sustainable hospitality in Estonia. 



Supporting the industries want for knowledge and its ambition for action, the day’s focus will be on understanding and reducing carbon emissions and implementing circularity. Embracing environmental responsibility as a mindset participants will learn and practice implementing meaningful changes related to carbon emissions and waste reduction using MAD’s environmental framework. The program will contain concrete insights and a wealth of best practices that can immediately be applied. Beyond individual gains and actions, the event will again bring together a community of like-minded leaders and business owners in the Estonian hospitality industry, fostering discussions on how to act for good collectively.  

 This workshop will be conducted in English and welcomes professionals from all levels of expertise, from seasoned industry veterans to aspiring entrepreneurs. We extend a warm welcome to both past workshop participants and newcomers eager to join the journey. 

8.15 - 9.00

Registration & welcome Breakfast @Lore Bistroo

Welcome words from Estonian Restaurant & Hotel Association 


Welcome words from:

Killu Maidla (EHRL) & Jack Muirhead (MAD Academy)  & Ed Romein (MAD Academy)

9.15 - 10.05

Recap: Climate and Food in the 21st century – what happened and what can we do?  


Guest speaker: MTÜ Nähtamatud Loomad



10.30 – 12.00

Circularity & Carbon – practical guides to reducing emissions and closing the loop on waste streams.

Talk Ed Romein

12.00 – 13.00

Lunch @Lore Bistroo

13.00 – 13.45

Producing positive impact in Hospitality.

Lecture by Jack Muirhead 

13.45 - 14.00

Break @Lore Bistroo

14.00 – 15.30

Planning change & continuing sustainable gastronomy in Estonia  

15.30 - 15.40



Closing Comments + Questions

16.15 - 17.00

Socializing and discussions


Jack Muirhead is the Manager of MAD Academy and a former bartender of 15 years with experience in some of the world’s greatest bars. Drawing from his practical experience and genuine passion for all things hospitality, Jack has spent the last 5 years crafting educational programs and events for hospitality professionals. His work includes MAD Academy’s unique curriculum which addresses the pressing needs of the hospitality industry and that its methodology and mission resonates with bartenders, cooks, waiters, and hospitality craftspeople around the globe.  

Ed Romein is the Head of the Environment & Sustainability program at MAD Academy. He channels his 25 years of experience in education, academic research, and consultancy to foster learning in the hospitality industry. With more than a decadelong fascination on how people engage with food and chefs turn ideas into delicious inventions on a plate, he has acquired a taste to understand eating as an environmental act. Before joining MAD, Ed taught at the Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen University, Freiburg University, DIS Study Abroad, and the Netherlands School of Public Administration.  

Fotod: Lauri Laan